Adela Ben-Yakar headshot

Adela Ben-Yakar

👤 Principle Investigator



Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering

Stanford University — Dec. 2000

M.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering

Technion, Israel Institute of Technology — Feb. 1995

B.Sc. (Cum Laude) in Aerospace Engineering

Technion, Israel Institute of Technology — Feb. 1992


Adela Ben-Yakar is a Harry L. Kent Jr. Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. She is also a professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and a member of the Graduate Student Council in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. She received her Ph.D. from Stanford University in Engineering (2000) and completed a postdoctoral work at Stanford University in the Applied Physics Department and Harvard University in the Physics Department (2000-2004).

Her research focuses in three main research directions. 1) Ultrafast laser microsurgery and nonlinear imaging, as applied to clinical image-guided surgery and diagnostics systems for treatment of disease such as spinal decompression, scarred vocal folds, and cervical cancer. 2) Development of high-throughput opto-fluidic systems for high-content testing using organoids and small model organism, C. elegans, as applied to drug discovery, toxicity testing, nerve regeneration, and neurodegenerative diseases. 3) Development of ultrafast imaging modalities and instrumentation for 3D imaging flow cytometry and kHz volumetric imaging of brain function (LEAD – Line excitation array detection microscopy).

Dr. Ben-Yakar is also the CEO of a life sciences startup, vivoVerse Holdings, Inc. which she co-founded it together with two of her team members. As an exclusive licensee of many patents from the Ben-Yakar Lab, vivoVerse strives to reduce animal testing by providing high-content testing of chemicals and drugs using C. elegans and organoids. VivoVerse uses patented vivoChip and OrganoidChip microfluidic devices to enable high-resolution imaging of samples and rapid and accurate analysis using AI/ML-assisted phenotypic analysis pipelines.

Dr. Ben-Yakar is an elected Fellow of the Optica, SPIE, and AIMBE, and a member of IEEE, ASME, SLAS, SOT among others. She was the Faculty Investment Initiative Program Fellow and Endowed Faculty Fellow of the Mr. N. Doug Williams Memorial Centennial Fellowship in Engineering. She is the recipient of the Fulbright Scholarship, Zonta Amelia Earhart Award, NSF Career Award, Human Frontier Science Program Research Award, and NIH Director’s Transformative Award.


Sept. 2016 - PresentProfessorMechanical Engineering Department and Biomedical Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Austin
Sept. 2021 - PresentArea CoordinatorThermal Fluids Systems, Mechanical Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Austin
2018 - PresentCEO, FoundervivoVerse LLC, Austin, TX
2015 - 2016Associate ProfessorBiomedical Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Austin
2010 - 2016Associate ProfessorMechanical Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Austin
2004 - 2010Assistant ProfessorMechanical Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Austin
2009 - PresentFaculty FellowInstitute for Cellular and Molecular Biology (ICMB), The University of Texas at Austin
2005 - PresentGraduate Student Council MemberBiomedical Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Austin
2005 - PresentFaculty FellowInstitute for Neuroscience, The University of Texas at Austin
Feb. - June 2002Visiting ScientistVisiting Postdoc in the Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University with Eric Mazur
2000 - 2004Postdoctoral Research FellowApplied Physics Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA with Robert L. Byer
1995 - 2000Graduate Research AssistantMechanical Engineering Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA with Ronald K. Hanson
1992 - 1995Graduate Research/Teaching AssistantAerospace Engineering Department, Technion — Israel Institute of Technology, with Alon Gany and Beny Natan


2024Elected Conference ChairGordon Research Conference (GRC) on the topic of “Optics and Photonics in Medicine and Biology”
2024Poster AwardTwo of my students received poster awards in multiple conferences: Aditya Roy at the GRC and Daniel Wu at the Harrington Symposium
March 2023Plenary SpeakerThermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (ASTFE), University of Maryland, College Park, MD
2022Top downloaded paperOur article on ultrafast laser surgery was featured as one of the top downloaded papers in the Journal Biomedical Optics Express
2020Top downloaded paperOur article on automated microfluidics for stem cell research was featured by the editor of Biomicrofluidics as one of the top papers and promoted
2019Fellow of AIMBEAmerican Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
2019Fellow of SPIEThe International Society for Optical Engineering
June 2019Keynote SpeakerAQL (Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice, and Speech Research), Montreal, Canada
2018President's Innovation AwardSociety of Biomolecular Imaging and Informatics (SBI2)
Sept. 2018Keynote Speaker3rd Microfluidics Congress, San Francisco, CA
2018Professorship EndowmentHarry Jr. L. Kent
2018Faculty Research Fellowship
Feb. 2017Innovation Grant recipientUT Austin
March 2017Health Catalyst Award recipientUT Austin
2016Elected Senior Member of the SPIESPIE — The International Society for Optical Engineering
Oct. 2015Plenary Speaker at the opening session of ICALEOICALEO — the International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, Atlanta, Georgia
July 2015Best Poster AwardThe International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, Austin, Texas
2015Faculty Investment Initiative Program FellowRecognizing excellence among UT faculty
2015Fellow of OSAOSA — Optical Society of America
Oct. 2014Plenary Speaker at the MicroTASMicroTAS — Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, San Antonio, Texas
April 2014Best Poster Award at the 40th NEBECNortheast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), Boston, MA
2012Human Frontier Science Program Research AwardOur international team was selected as #3 among 1000 applications from all over the world
2011NIH Director's Transformative Research Award
2011 - 2018Endowed Faculty FellowshipMr. N. Doug Williams Memorial Centennial Fellowship in Engineering
2011 - 2012Faculty Research Assignment Fellowship (FRA)
2011Most-Cited PaperPaper #25 on “Maximum imaging depth of two-photon autofluorescence microscopy in epithelial tissues” was mentioned by the Editor-in-Chief as one of the most-cited articles published in Journal of Biomedical Optics (JBO) in 2011
June 2010Keynote Speaker at the Royal Society International Scientific Seminar MeetingTopic: 'Making Light Deliver: Optical Nanosurgery for Targeted Drug Delivery,' London, UK
2008Highlighted Article: Paper #20 on “Thermal analysis of gold nanorods heated with femtosecond laser pulses”Published in the Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics in 2008, was selected as one of the 30 highlighted articles (out of the about 400 articles) published in 2008
April 2009Keynote Speaker at the 5th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and BiologyQuebec City, Canada
2009 - 2014NSF Career Award
April 2008Plenary SpeakerThe opening session of Focus on Microscopy, Osaka, Japan
2007Most-Cited Paper: “Two-photon imaging of cancer cells using bio-conjugated gold nanorods”Featured as “Hot Paper” for being one of the most-cited articles published in Nano Letters in 2007
Aug. 2007Highlighted Article: Paper #11 on “Thermal and fluid processes of a thin melt zone during femtosecond laser ablation of glass: the formation of rims by single laser pulses”Published in the Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics in 2007, was selected as one of the 30 highlighted articles (out of the about 400 articles) published in 2007
Aug. 2007Honored as one of the Rising Stars of Texas Research AwardThe Nano Summit Research Conference, Texas A&M University, TX
2005Summer Research AwardThe University of Texas at Austin
1998First PlaceGround Testing Technical Committee Student Contest, AIAA
1995 - 1997Fulbright ScholarshipGraduate Student Scholarship
1995 - 1997Zonta Amelia Earhart AwardAwarded for Aeronautics Research
1994Gold MedalBest Graduate Student Paper, 45th IAFC
1994Ehud Ben-Amitay Student Research AwardNegev University, Israel
1992President's Honor ListTechnion, Israel




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